Essential Smartphone Features for Stunning New Year’s Eve Photos

If you have ever tried to take photos of stunning New Year’s Eve fireworks, but have been left with blurry or dark photos, then it might be time to invest in a smartphone with advanced photography capabilities. Today’s smartphones have improved technologies like low-light performance, optical zoom, and AI assistance that makes them perfect for capturing vibrant fireworks.
If you’re considering investing in a new smartphone before the end of the year, then you might want to sell your current model using our simple and convenient phone trade-in service. This can help to make the purchase of a new phone easier and can be completed in just a few simple steps.
Low-Light Performance
One thing that many people struggle with when trying to capture New Year’s Eve photos is getting the lighting just right. Whether you’re taking photos of your New Year celebrations or of some local fireworks, having a phone with night mode capabilities can significantly improve your experience. For instance, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is equipped with an automatic night mode, which automatically detects when the scene you’re trying to capture is lacking in light.
This is particularly convenient for when you need to quickly pull out your phone to capture some fireworks, as you don’t need to manually turn this mode on each time you require it. The Google Pixel 9 Pro has a similar capability with its long exposure feature, which helps catch light amongst a darker background. This can also benefit you beyond New Year’s content, with low-light performance being ideal for photographing concerts and other nighttime events.
Optical Zoom and Wide-Angle Lenses
Features like optical zoom and wide-angle lenses are going to greatly assist any New Year pictures you plan to take. This is especially important if you are trying to take photos of fireworks that are either very close or very far away from where you’re standing. Optical zoom is a feature that the latest models are incorporating, such as the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, which has a 5x zoom, enabling you to capture high-quality images from a distance.
This phone, alongside many others, has several cameras that are adapted for different purposes. So, whether you’re looking to cram in the whole family for a group photo or take pictures of far-away fireworks, the zoom and wide-angle features are certainly something worth considering in your quest for a new smartphone.
AI-Assisted Features
AI tools are becoming increasingly popular within the latest smartphones, but did you know they can actually help improve your photos? AI-powered cameras, such as those seen in Google phones, can do anything from enhancing the quality and stability of photos, to making major edits that would have previously required expert technical knowledge.
When taking group photos, there’s always one person who blinks or isn’t looking at the camera. With Google’s magic editor function, you can easily create a ‘best take’ which combines the best images into one. If you’re in a busy environment, then this feature also allows you to remove people or objects in the background so that you can treasure these images without the distracting background. Many of the latest smartphones that have entered the market have some form of AI assistance that can boost your smartphone photography, so it’s just about finding the one that will provide the most benefits to your lifestyle.
Video Recording Capabilities
New Year’s Eve is a time of year when many people rely on their phone’s video recording capabilities, especially for filming the all-important countdown to 2025. Whether you’re looking to create a cinematic video diary from the evening or even live-stream the big countdown, there are certain models that are designed to provide high-quality videos. The Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max is able to film in 4k and 60fps, in addition to a special cinematic mode function that includes a zoom of up to 3x.
If you want to take things a step further, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is able to film in 8k definition and has a 10x optical zoom, which is perfect for those who have an interest in content creation or creating their very own short films. Phone storage is also something to consider when assessing which smartphone can give you the best video recording experience. This is because even though a smartphone may be able to capture high-quality videos and images, it might not have the accompanying storage necessary to keep them all stored.
Maximising Savings with Trade-Ins
If one of your New Year goals was to upgrade your existing phone, then why not do it before the 31st of December so you can capture some special memories? Many smartphones out there that are equipped with high-quality cameras, which are suited to taking pictures of fireworks or celebrations – even in darker environments. If you want to make the purchase of a new phone even easier, then consider selling your phone with our convenient trade-in service. We provide fair quotes, a quick and easy selling process, and efficient payment. We provide a seamless turnaround from sending us your phone to getting paid.